Programme 2024 - 2025
Download our 2022 - 2023 programme leaflet by clicking
Programme 2022-23b[691].pdf (738.8KB)
Our 2024 - 2025 programme leaflet has not been uploaded due to the number of changes still being made this season.
All meetings are Saturdays on Zoom and commence at 14.00 UK time, unless stated differently.
Thursday 19 September 2024: 'Annual General Meeting.'
This meeting is free and for members only; it commences at 19.00. (All other meetings are open to visitors.)
Saturday 21 September 2024:
Katherine Slinger: 'A Beautiful Death: New Kingdom Theban Tomb Decoration and Design'
In this lecture Kath will be discussing the decorative scheme and design of non-royal Theban tombs, and how they evolved throughout the New Kingdom. She will consider typical Eighteenth Dynasty decorative themes, identifying the importance of specific scenes and their location within the tomb. She will then discuss the evolution of tomb decoration and design after the Amarna Period, and into the Ramesside Period.
Dr. Katherine Slinger is a Lecturer in Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Manchester, where she teaches on the Certificate, Diploma and MA in Egyptology. She was awarded her PhD in Egyptology in 2020 from the University of Liverpool for her thesis, 'Tomb Families: Private Tomb Distribution in the New Kingdom Theban Necropolis'. She graduated with a first-class degree in Egyptology in 2014, and a Master’s degree with Distinction in Egyptology in 2015, both from the University of Liverpool. Her previous research includes her BA dissertation, 'Tomb Decoration and Design at Deir el-Medina', and her MA dissertation, 'Was the location and distribution of Theban tombs influenced by the evolving processional route of the Beautiful Festival of the Valley?'. Kath has taught Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Sheffield and Durham University and has also worked as an Egyptology tutor in the Continuing Education department at the University of Liverpool. She has excavated in Luxor, Egypt.
Wednesday 2 October 2024:
Rita Lucarelli: 'Punishers or Protectors? Demons in Ancient Egypt.'
Rita Lucarelli is an Associate Professor of Egyptology in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Culture, University of California, Berkeley, and the Class of 1939 Chair of Undergraduate Education. She is the Faculty Curator of Egyptology at the Phoebe A Hearst Museum of Anthropology and a Fellow of the Digital Humanities at UC Berkeley.
19 October 2024:
Fundraiser for Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. (AERA.) Joint meeting with Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society.
Mark Lehner: ‘The Archaeology of the Sphinx.’
Before the launch of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Sphinx Project in 1979, no scale drawings of the Sphinx had ever been made. Directed by Dr. James Allen with Dr. Mark Lehner as field director, this project produced the first detailed scale plans of the Sphinx—a master plan, top plans, elevations, sections, and profiles. It also mapped masonry repairs, the adjacent temples, the Sphinx amphitheatre, and the structural geology of the site. This stone-by-stone mapping of the Sphinx, Sphinx Temple, and the adjacent Khafre Valley Temple helps us answer questions such as Who Built the Sphinx?
Mark Lehner is the Director of Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. (AERA), an American non-profit organization to promote Egyptian archaeology. He received his PhD in Egyptology from Yale University in 1991. Lehner is an Associate at the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures of the University of Chicago. During forty years of archaeological work, Lehner mapped the Great Sphinx and Giza plateau and discovered the Lost City of the Giza Pyramids. AERA sponsors annual excavations of the pyramid builders’ settlements near the Sphinx and Pyramids with an interdisciplinary and international team of archaeologists, surveyors, geochronologists, botanists, and faunal specialists who focus on the everyday lives of ancient Egyptians. Since 2005 AERA has directed archaeological field schools to train young archaeologists working for the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities at Giza, Luxor, and Memphis on behalf of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) a consortium of U.S. universities and museums. Lehner’s research interests include settlement archaeology; archaeological method and interpretation; ancient quarrying and construction; irrigation and water transport infrastructure, ancient society and economy and complexity studies applied to the social sciences.
The fee for this meeting will be higher than normal - £5 for Members, £8 for guests. Bookings to be managed by Ticketsource. This meeting is not part of the 'pay in advance' scheme.' The 'Ticketsource' system is used by Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society and details of how to pay for this meeting is advertised under the 'October' tab of this website.
Saturday 16 November 2024:
Peter J Brand: ‘The Buildings of Seti I’ (title to be confirmed)
Peter J Brand is a Canadian Egyptologist who gained his PhD at the University of Toronto. His dissertation on the monuments of Seti I is considered to be the most comprehensive work on that reign to date. He is currently Professor of Egyptology in the Department of History at the University of Memphis and he is Director of the Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project. His primary area of interest is the Ramesside era and his latest book is ‘Ramesses II: Egypt’s Ultimate Pharaoh’ (Lockwood 2023.)
Saturday 30 November 2024:
Bernadette Brady: 'Celestial Evolution: Shifting Egyptian Perspectives on the Heavens from the Old Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period.'
The ancient Egyptians' connection to the cosmos was complex and ever-evolving, showcasing their profound understanding and reverence for celestial bodies. Pyramids, solar temples, and obelisks demonstrate their solar worship, while star tables, clocks, and lunar staircases highlight a broader and more intricate cosmology. This lecture delves into the rich tapestry of astronomical and cosmological imagery that permeated their culture, revealing their changing relationship with the heavens.
Bernadette J Brady
is from the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, Faculty of Humanities and the Performing Arts, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, Wales.
Saturday 14th December 2024:
Katharina Zinn: 'Forgotten objects, the public and the extraordinary – Ancient Egyptian objects from Cyfarthfa Castle Museum as tool to fascinate.'
Museum-excavations – discovering unprovenanced and forgotten objects in museums’ storerooms – open new opportunities for the engagement with the public and shed new light on the consequent necessity to contextualise the discovered artefacts. Despite being unprovenanced – one could even say especially because of that – it is important to make sense of these "ordinary" finds. Developing strategies of unmasking the EXTRAordinary within such neglected objects and the communication of these finds as part of imaginative activities for the wider public and the research community has been at the core of the cooperative projects between Cyfarthfa Castle Museum, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales (UK) and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David Wales aiming at the literal and cultural (re-)discovery of ancient Egyptian artefacts. The project brings these objects back to life by simultaneously creating different types of cultural representations via academic outputs, exhibitions, story-telling, a Museum of Lies and artwork inspired by the items in order to “unpack the collection”.
Dr Katharina Zinn gained her PhD in Egyptology at the University of Leipzig. Since moving to the UK she has taught at the Universities of Cambridge and Swansea. She is currently Associate Professor in Egyptian Archaeology and Heritage at the University of Wales, Trinity St David (UWTSD). She was Visiting Professor in Egyptology at the Institute for the History of the Ancient World in Changchun, China during the academic year 23/24, Her interests lie in the area of Egyptian material culture and the modern reception of the past as presented in museums. From 2020 to 2023, Katharina has been the Chair of the EES Collection Committee.
Saturday 18 January 2025:
Glenn Godenho: 'Questions and Directions in Archaeological Work at Ankhtifi's Tomb Complex.'
Discussions are underway between Egypt, Bonn and Liverpool to return to the tomb complex of Ankhtifi, near Mo'alla. Alongside a programme of publication and outreach, a key ambition of the project is the need to return for further fieldwork. This presentation will (re)introduce Ankhtifi in his time and space, will outline the contributions that Ankhtifi’s tomb complex has made towards understanding the history of the First Intermediate Period, and will provide an overview the results of archaeological work at the site to date. It will then consider the potential for further fieldwork at the site. Key issues up for discussion include:
1.Ankhtifi's own inscriptional description of his tomb complex, and how this relates to the observable and fairly distinctive architectural elements discovered. It will be suggested that Ankhtify's description may hint at the presence of a more extensive original tomb complex, with elements as yet undocumented archaeologically.
2.Whilst references in his tomb to his dependants are few, there is not insignificant capacity for further burials at the necropolis. As well as the visible rock-cut tombs (seven in total), there are additionally what appear to be burial shafts within the rock-cut tomb forecourts. The question of the relationship between Ankhtifi’s tomb and these occupants of the broader necropolis will be addressed through archaeological results to date. The possible degree of connection between Ankhtifi's necropolis and other contemporary archaeological sites will also be considered.
Ultimately, the audience will get a complete picture (insofar as evidence allows) of a pivotal figure living between the Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Dr Glenn Godenho studied Egyptology at Birkbeck College, London, and then the University of Liverpool. After a brief stint teaching at Swansea University, he now works at the University of Liverpool as a Senior Lecturer in Egyptology. His scholarship currently focusses on Egypt’s First Intermediate Period, Ramesside frontiers, and the Coptic language. Glenn also holds the position of Academic Director for Continuing Education for the University. This role ties in with his interests in making adult Higher Education more accessible, and he has a number of projects, covering a variety of subjects, with various adult communities across the Liverpool City Region.
Saturday 15 February 2025:
Angus Graham: 'Amenhotep III's Mansion of Millions of Years.'
Note that this meeting commences at 1600 UK time.
Further details will appear here in due course.
A short biography of Angus Graham will appear here when available.
Saturday 1 March 2025 Face-to-Face Meeting at Itchen College, 1400 UK time:
Aidan Dodson: 'Ramesses III, King of Egypt.'
Rameses III—often dubbed the “last great pharaoh”—lived and ruled during the first half of the twelfth century BC, a tumultuous time that saw the almost complete overthrow of established order in the eastern Mediterranean, and among Rameses’s achievements was the preservation of Egypt as a nation-state in the face of external assault. However, his reign also saw economic challenges and increasing dissatisfaction, which culminated in the king’s own assassination.
Meeting fee: £5 (includes refreshments)
Places are limited so pre-booking is essential.
Please contact the Secretary to reserve your place.
Note: As an extra meeting, this lecture is not part of the advance payment scheme. The fee for this meeting will be £5.
Aidan Dodson is honorary Professor of Egyptology at the University of Bristol, where he has taught since 1996. A graduate of Liverpool and Cambridge Universities, he was awarded his PhD in 1995 and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2003. He was Chairman of the Egypt Exploration Society from 2011 to 2016, and is the author of some thirty books, including Rameses III, King of Egypt: his life and afterlife, published by the American University in Cairo Press in 2019.
Saturday 15 March 2025:
Ed Scrivens: 'Goddesses in Ramessid Egypt: Investigating representations of gendered roles and agency in the divine world.'
Dr Edward Scrivens works for the Egypt Exploration Society and is a specialist in gender and religion in ancient Egypt. He conducted his doctoral research at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford, where he held the prestigious Barns Studentship in Egyptology. Prior to joining the EES he lectured at Swansea University as Tutor in Egyptology.
Saturday 26 April 2025:
Hilary Wilson: 'Who Ate All the Fish?: Fish consumption in Ancient Egypt.'
Hilary Wilson is Founder Chair of the Southampton Ancient Egypt Society, She is a retired Maths teacher and former Open University lecturer. For many years she ran Adult Education courses in Egyptology for the University of Southampton and for WEA groups across Hampshire. She has written several books on popular Egyptology and is a regular contributor to Ancient Egypt Magazine. Hilary was awarded her MA in Egyptology from the University of Manchester in 2022.
Saturday 17 May 2025:
Chris Elliott: 'The Lighthouse, the Laser and the Stone.'
The full story of how Egyptian hieroglyphs were finally deciphered, and why the Rosetta Stone wasn’t the key to the breakthrough. Mistakes, misunderstandings, accusations of unscholarly conduct, and Anglo-French rivalry. Featuring a genius gentleman scholar, a brilliant but brash outsider, an MP who had to flee England to avoid prosecution, and the architect who completed the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. With stele, obelisks and a warning about the bite of the Egyptian duck.
Saturday 07 June 2025 Face-to-Face Meeting at Itchen College, 1400 UK time:
Robert Morkot: ‘Queen Tiye.'
Saturday 21 June 2025:
Jen Turner: ‘The Work of the Griffith Institute in Oxford.'
Saturday 05 July 2025:
Paul Docherty: ‘Using Digital Archaeology in Egyptology’ (title tbc)

Past Talks Given to SAES
A list of talks given in the past is listed here:
19th October 2024: Mark Lehner: ‘The Archaeology of the Sphinx.’ (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.) Fundraiser for Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. (AERA.) Joint meeting with Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society.
2nd October 2024: Rita Lucarelli: 'Punishers or Protectors? Demons in Ancient Egypt.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
21st September 2024: Katherine Slinger: 'A Beautiful Death: New Kingdom Theban Tomb Decoration and Design.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
6th July 2024: Chris Naunton: 'Egypt's Silver Pharaohs: The Royal Tombs of Tanis.' (Face to face meeting at Itchen College.)
8th June 2024: Hilary Wilson: 'The Life and Afterlife of Egyptian Furniture.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
18th May 2024: Lucia Gahlin: 'The 7 Laughs of Neith: Ancient Egyptian Creator Goddesses.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
20th April 2024: John J Johnston: 'Lost in Time and Space: Unrolling Egypt's Ancient Dead.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
16th March 2024: Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia: 'Silver and the Egyptian Economy.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
2nd March 2024: John Billman: 'Latest News From Excavations and Conservation at the South Asasif.' (Face to face meeting at Itchen College.)
28th February 2024: Jen Turner: 'Statues in the Sacred Space: Monuments from the Karnal Cachette.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
17th February 2024: Roland Enmarch: Ex-Pat and Vassal Princes: Some Curious International Messengers in the Late 13th Century BC.'
20th January 2024: Kate Spence: 'Living at Sesebi: an Egyptian Colonial Town in Nubia in the Second Millennium BC.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
16th December 2023: Hana Navratilova: 'Walking the Desert - Ancient Visitors to the Pyramids.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
18th November 2023: Peter J Brand: 'Abu Simbel: Anatomy of a Temple, Epitome of a Reign.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.)
21st October 2023: Anna Pearman: Howard Carter's 1922 Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb: Its Impact on Archaeology and the Media.' (Virtual Meeting Using Zoom.) (Terry Mason Memorial Lecture - Terry Mason 1938 - 2016.)
7th October 2023: Hilary Wilson: 'The Women in Tutankhamun's life.' (Face to face meeting at Itchen College.)
16th September 2023: Hilary Wilson: 'Silver in Ancient Egypt: Sources and Uses.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
1st July 2023: Lee Young: ‘Howard Carter: An alternative look at the man through his art.’ (Face to face meeting at Itchen College.)
17th June 2023: Luigi Prada: ‘Freudian Dreams along the Nile: Sex and Dream Interpretation in Ancient Egypt.’ (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
20th May 2023: Chris Elliott: 'The elderly lady's elephant: the history of Cleopatra's Needle.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
25th April 2023: Stephanie Boonstra: 'Faience at Amarna: old and new research onto its brilliant manufacture and use.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th April 2023: Claudia Naeser: 'Preparing for the afterlife in Deir el-Medina.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
25th March 2023: Hilary Wilson: 'The Life and Afterlife of Egyptian Furniture.' (Face to face meeting at Itchen College.)
18th March 2023: Campbell Price: 'An Ancient Egyptian Michaelangelo? Senenmut and his times.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
18th February 2023: Irving Finkel: 'The Amarna Letters.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
26th January 2023: John Ward and Maria Nilsson: 'Gebel-el-Silsila update.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
21st January 2023: Joyce Tyldesley: 'Nefertiti's face: investigating Egypt's most famous queen.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
17th December 2022: Dr. Heidi Köpp-Junk: 'Dewatering systems for wastewater and rain in Ancient Egypt.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
24th November 2022: Joshua Emmitt: 'From subscription or conscription: Egyptian artefacts in Aotearoa.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th November 2022: Ken Griffin: 'Karnak: the most select of places.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th October 2022: Mark Lehner: ‘Heit el-Ghurab and Wadi el-Jarf: Landscape and Waterscape at Giza When the Pyramids Were Built’ (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
17th September 2022: Hilary Wilson: 'Who was who in the court of Tutankhamun?' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th August 2022: Mark Walker 3 talks: 'Why was the Egyptian goddess Isis so popular with Hollywood film-makers? How successful was Cecil B. DeMille’s Hollywood Vision of Ancient Egypt? The trees and plants of Egypt. (Face to face day at Hillier's Gardens, Romsey.)
16th July 2022: Hilary Wilson: 'Small Animals in Ancient Egypt: Hedgehogs and Tortoises.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
18th June 2022: Andrew Shortland: 'BLUE: Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
21st May 2022: Claudia Naser: 'Provisions for the Dead, Ritual Implements, Luxury Objects? Conceptualising Grave Goods in the New Kingdom Elite Contexts.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
5th May 2022: Cédric Gobeil: 'The Turin Museum’s current research at Deir el-Medina.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
16th April 2022: Mark Walker: '"A Real Egyptian Temple?" - The Iseum at Pompeii.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th March 2022: Nicky Nielsen: 'Excavating the City of the Snake Goddess: Flinders Petrie at Tell Nabasha.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
23rd February 2022: Selima Ikram: 'Discoveries in the Desert: The North Kharga Oasis Darb Ain Amur Survey.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th February 2022: Carl Graves: 'The Lady that led to Tutankhamun: The Life and Legacy of Amelia Edwards.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th January 2022: Sarah Griffiths: 'Ptolemaic Girl Power: Arsinoe II, Berenice II and Cleopatra VII.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
18th December 2021: Dr. Heidi Köpp-Junk: 'Music in Ancient Egypt and its Beginnings - Latest Research in Music Archaeology (this lecture included live music.)' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
25th November 2021: Hilary Wilson: 'Age Cannot Wither Her - The Lasting Allure of Cleopatra.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
20th November 2021: Nicky van de Beek: 'From Saqqara to Leiden: The Journey of the Tomb Chapel of Hetepherakhet.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
16th October 2021: Bernadette Brady: 'An Astronomical Ceiling at Esna: The Egyptian Story of the Sun and the Moon.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
18th September 2021: Hilary Wilson: 'The Aegean Connection 2: Egypt and the Sea Peoples.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
08th September 2021: Barry Kemp: 'Was Amarna Really a City of Gold?' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
21st August 2021: Dylan Bickerstaffe: 'Royal Ladies of the New Kingdom, Part 2.' (Study Day.) (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
24th July 2021: Dylan Bickerstaffe: 'Royal Ladies of the New Kingdom, Part 1.' (Study Day.) (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th June 2021: Marcel Marée: 'Circulating Artefacts: An online platform against the looting and sale of illicit antiquities.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th May 2021: Liam McNamara: 'Exploring the Dynastic Town And Temple Enclosure At Hierakonpolis.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
29th April 2021: Anna Garnett: 'An Update From the Petrie Museum.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
17th April 2021: Rosalie David: 'Egyptian Mummies And Modern Science: Research at the KNH Centre For Biological Egyptology, University of Manchester.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
20th March 2021: Ian Trimble: 'Annie Barlow and the Origins of the Bolton Collection.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
20th February 2021: Paul Whelan: 'The Symbiosis of King and Cult - Abydos in the Old Kingdom.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
27th January 2021: Maria Nilsson and John Ward: 'Life & death in Ancient Kheny, based on new discoveries at Gebel el-Silsila.’ (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
16th January 2021: John Billman: 'Art of the Old Kingdom.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th December 2020: Lee Young: 'Letters From The Desert: The Story of Amice Calverley and Myrtle Broome.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
3rd December 2020: Beth Asbury: 'Maat, Morals and Justice in Ancient Egypt.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
21st November 2020: Hana Navratilova: 'A Scribe's Life.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
17th October 2020: Kate Spence: 'House and Home: Urbanism and Society at Amarna.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
19th September 2020: Hilary Wilson: 'The Aegean Connection: Trade and Tribute.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
18th July 2020: Campbell Price: 'While Skulls Bobbled on the Waves: Petrie at Hawara.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
20th June 2020: Carl Graves: 'Tents and Tombs: Accommodating Archaeologists.' (Virtual Meeting using Zoom.)
15th February 2020: Lee Young: ;The Life and Work of Nina de Garies Davies.'
18th January 2020: Sarah Griffiths: 'The Rise of the Middle Kingdom: Nebhepetre Mentuhotep & the Return of the Pooh-Bahs.'
14th December 2019: Hilary Wilson: 'Age Cannot Wither Her: The Lasting Allure of Cleopatra.'
16th November 2019: Glenn Godenho: 'Being an Ideal Official in a Less Than Ideal World.'
19th October 2019: Wolfram Grajetzki: 'Looking Like A Goddess. Jewellery of the Middle Kingdom.'
21st September 2019: Hilary Wilson: 'Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun, Female Horus.'
20th July 2019: Aidan Dodson: 'Valley of the Kings.' {Study Day}
15th June 2019: Robert Morkot 'Gebel Barkal, The Holy Mountain of Napata.’
18th May 2019: Luigi Prada ‘Egypt in Rome: Obelisks and Ancient Cultural Appropriation.’
13th April 2019: Paul Collins ‘Egypt’s Origins – The View From Mesopotamia and Iran.’
16th March 2019: Paul Nicholson ‘Going to the Dogs: New Work at the Catacombs of Anubis, North Saqqara.’
16th February 2019: John J Johnston: ‘Seth, Lord of Chaos, Defender of Re: The Chequered Career of a Deity.’
19th January 2019: Nigel Strudwick: ‘Egyptian Decrees, Biographies, Accounts and Formulae in the Age of the Pyramids.’
15th December 2018: John Wyatt: 'The Other Gifts of the Nile: Birds and Wildlife of Ancient Egypt.'
17th November 2018: Lidija McKnight: 'Gifts of the Gods: Animal Mummies Revealed.'
20th October 2018: Chris Naunton: 'Searching for the Lost Tombs of Egypt: Why, How and What Next?'
15th September 2018: Hilary Wilson: 'Many Happy Returns: Egyptian Celebrations of Rebirth and Renewal.'
21st July 2018: Sarah Griffiths: 'Last of the Pharaohs: Incest, Intrigue and Bloodshed under the Ptolemies and Cleopatras.' {Study Day}
16th June 2018: Glenn Worthington: 'Tutankhamun's Funeral.'
19th May 2018: Lucia Gahlin: 'Brilliant Things: Ancient Egyptian Faience.'
21st April 2018 Roland Enmarche: 'The Tale of Sinuhe: Biography and Poetry in Middle Kingdom Literature.'
17th March 2018 Violaine Chauvet: 'The Ptahshepses-corpus: Inspiration in the Decoration of an Old Kingdom Family Cluster.'
17th February 2018 John Billman 'Hatshepsut: The Eternal Female Pharaoh of Egypt - Her Monuments Explored.'
20th January 2018 Hilary Wilson 'Three Into Two Will Go: Artistic Conventions in Ancient Egypt.'
9th December 2017 Ian Trumble 'Egypt in Bolton.'
18th November 2017 Peter Phillips 'But Where Did They Live?'
21st October 2017 David Goldsmith 'Egyptian Tales of Middle Kingdom Literature.'
16th September 2017 Joanna Kyffin 'A Woman's Place: Female Bodies in Egyptian Medicine and Literature.'
15th July 2017 Bernadette Brady 'Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Astronomy.' {Study Day}
17th June 2017 Penny Wilson 'Sais: Biography of an Ancient Egyptian Royal City.'
20th May 2017 Campbell Price 'Statues, Sailors and Strategy in Saite Egypt.'
22nd April 2017 John Wyatt 'Djehutihotep: Great Chief of the Hare Nome.'
18th March 2017 Paul Nicholson 'The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara.'
18th February 2017 Paul Collins 'Egypt and the Assyrian Empire.'
21st January 2017 Alan Reblein 'Egyptian Wall Paintings.'
10th December 2016 Glenn Worthington 'Theban Holidays: The Festivals of Thebes.'
19th November 2016 Tessa Baber 'The "Mummy Pits" of Ancient Egypt.'
15th October 2016 David Marriott 'Egyptian Odyssey: Ancient Egypt in 90 Minutes!'
10th September 2016 Lee Young 'The Lure of the East: Artists and Epigraphers in Egypt.'
16th July 2016 Aidan Dodson 'The Temples of Thebes.' {Study Day}
18th June 2016 Kris Strutt 'Reflections on the Nile: Some Results from the Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey.'
21st May 2016 Glenn Worthington 'Piercing the Sky: The Obelisks of Egypt.'
16th April 2016 Andrew Shortland 'Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt.'
19th March 2016 Carl Graves 'Nubia: What Lies Beneath.'
20th February 2016 Hilary Wilson 'Who was Who in Tutankhamun's Court.'
16th January 2016 Sonia Zakrzewski 'Identity, Disability and Personhood in Egyptian Bioarchaeology.'
12th December 2015 David Goldsmith 'The Beauty of the Egyptian Harp: Forgotten Melodies.'
21st November 2015 Marsia Bealby 'Game Theory and the Study of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections.'
17th October 2015 Reg Clark 'Tomb Security from the Predynastic to the Pyramid Age.'
19th September 2015 Joanna Kyffin 'Reading Ancient Egyptian Magical Spells as Poetry.'
18th July 2015 Hilary Wilson 'Gifts of the Nile - Water Plants in Ancient Egyptian Culture.'
20th June 2015 Irving Finkel 'Ancient Egyptian Board Games.'
16th May 2015 Kasia Szpakowska 'The Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project: Second Milennium BC.'
18th April 2015 Kelly Accetta 'Thresholds of the Gods: The Significance of Doors and Doorways in Ancient Egyptian Religious Belief and Practice.'
21st March 2015 Mark Walker 'Cinematic Adventures in Egypt - Archaeologists, Spies and Detectives.'
21st February 2015 John Billman 'Hidden Abydos - What the Tourists Don't See in the Realm of Osiris.'
17th January 2015 Leire Olabarria 'I am One Who Listens to his Family: Kith and Kin in Ancient Egypt.'
13th December 2014 Beth Asbury 'Ancient Egypt at the Pitt Rivers Museum.'
15th November 2014 Luigi Prada 'Reading the Future in Dreams, Geckos and Oil Stains: Ancient Egyptian Divination.'
18th October 2014 Charlotte Booth 'Hanging Out with Tutankhamun.'
20th September 2014 Francis Lankester 'Egyptian Rock Art: From the "Cave of the Swimmers" to the Red Sea.'
19th July 2014 Barry Kemp 'Amarna Study Day.'
21st June 2014 John Taylor 'Women as Osiris, Women as Hathor: The Evolving Status of the Female in the Funerary World of Ancient Egypt.'
17th May 2014 Chris Naunton 'What Killed Tutankamun?'
12th April 2014 Campbell Price 'How Did Ancient Egyptian Statues Work?'
15th March 2014 No Meeting
15th February 2014 Alan Lloyd 'Death in Ancient Egypt.'
18th January 2014 Hilary Wilson 'Who Did They Think They Were? Tracing Egyptian Family Trees.'
14th December 2013 Dylan Bickerstaffe 'The Tomb-robbers of No-Amun: Power Struggles Under Ramesses IX.'
16th November 2013 George Hart 'Pharaohs & Nomarchs of Middle Kingdom Egypt.'
19th October 2013 Dyan Hilton 'Ancient Glass Technology.'
21st September 2013 John Wyatt 'Baket III: The Birdman of Beni Hasan.'
15th June 2013 Derek Welsby 'Kawa and its Hinterland Before and After the Egyptian Conquest.'
18th May 2013 John Billman 'Re-discovering a Lost Necropolis: Kushite Tombs in the Theban South Asasif.'
20th April 2013 Geoffrey T Martin 'Re-excavating the Royal Tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings.'
16th March 2013 Alice Stevenson 'Young Petrie and Late Victorian Archaeology.'
16th February 2013 David Marriott 'Southampton, the Battle of Omdurman and the Anglo-Egyptian Army' & Hilary Wilson 'Egyptian Family Matters.'
19th January 2013 No Meeting
08th December 2012 Julian Whitewright 'From Lake Mareotis to the Red Sea: Maritime Connections and Ports in Roman Egypt.'
17th November 2012 Ian Shaw 'Digging Old Kingdom Desert Sites - Fieldwork at the Hatnub &Gebel el-Asr Quarries.'
20th October 2012 Brian Sparkes 'Faces in the Desert Sands.'
15th September 2012 Glenn Worthington 'The Window of Appearance.'
16th June 2012 Aidan Dodson 'The Royal Tombs of Tanis.'
19th May 2012 Anthony Leahy 'Abydos and the Cult of Osiris.'
21st April 2012 Campbell Price 'Exploring Uncharted Sands: The Saqqara Geophysical Survey Project 1990 - Present.'
17th March 2012 Robert Morkot 'Abu Simbel: Exploring and Understanding the Temple.'
18th February 2012 Meg Gunlach 'Pedamenope: The Man and his Monuments.'
21st January 2012 Mark Walker 'Ancient Egypt in Science Fiction.'
10th December 2011 Dylan Bickerstaffe 'Poison, Forgery and Voodoo: The Harem Conspiracy Against Ramesses III.'
19th November 2011 Hilary Wilson 'Ramesses II: Wives and Family
15th October 2011 Albert Prince 'Little Known aspects of Egyptianised London and Parts of the South East.
17th September 2011 Karen Exell 'An Ancient Egyptian Magician at the Manchester Museum.'
17th July 2011 John Wyatt and Jackie Gardner 'Marwell Animals - Animals the Ancient Egyptians Would Have Known.' {Study Day}
18th June 2011 Carol Andrews 'What the Tourist Never Sees.'
21st May 2011 Lucia Gahlin 'In the Shadow of the Pyramids: Old Kingdom Life at Giza.'
16th April 2011 Angela MacDonald 'Glimpses of Life in Letters to the Dead.'
19th March 2011 Chris Naunton 'Digging in Egypt and Digging in Archives: How Archaeologists got Egyptology Where it is Today.'
19th February 2011 Caroline Graves-Brown 'Spitting Knives and Flint Snakes: The Religious Significance of Flint in Ancient Egypt.'
15th January 2011 Kenneth Griffin 'The Rekhyt People and the Things They Do: Popular Worship in Egypt.'
11th December 2010 Stephanie Roberts 'Tahemaa, a Lady from Thebes.'
20th November 2010 David Marriott 'Niagara Falls to Luxor (Via Atlanta) - The Journey of Ramesses I.'
16th October 2010 Rosalind Janssen 'A Golden Boy: John Pendlebury of Amarna.'
18th September 2010 Hilary Wilson 'The Battle of Kadesh and What Happened Next . . . '
19th June 2010 Bob Partridge 'The Temple of Amun at Karnak: A Comprehensive Site Tour & News of the Latest Discoveries There.'
15th May 2010 John Wyatt 'The Pharaoh's Birds.'
17th April 2010 Dylan Bickerstaffe 'The Egyptian Labyrinth: A Middle Kingdom Enigma.'
20th March 2010 Martin Davies 'Ancient Egyptian Tomb Models of Daily Life.'
20th February 2010 Sarah Jackman 'The Representation and Symbolism of the Royal Crowns in Ancient Egypt.'
16th January 2010 No Meeting
12th December 2009 Glenn Worthington 'Journeys in Middle Egypt.'
21st November 2009 Charlotte Booth 'Festivals in Ancient Egypt.'
17th October 2009 Aidan Dodson 'Amarna Sunset: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun and the Beginning of the Egyptian Counter-Reformation.'
19th September 2009 Hilary Wilson 'The Annals of Tuthmose III.'
20th June 2009 Carol Andrews 'The Egyptian Sense of Humour.'
16th May 2009 Kenneth Griffin 'Images of the Rekhyt in Ancient Egypt.'
18th April 2009 Angela MacDonald 'Reconstructing the Past - Communication Through Word, Image and Stone in Ancient Egypt.'
21st March 2009 Delwen Samuel 'New Perspectives on Ancient Egyptian Baking and Brewing.'
21st February 2009 Birgit Schoer and Albert Prince 'Egypt at the Crystal Palace.'
17th January 2009 Chris Naunton 'The Tomb of Harwa, an Enormous and Complex Monument of Dynasty 25.'
13th December 2008 Christmas Party Meeting.
15th November 2008 Jaromir Malek 'The Tomb of Tutankhamun: Some Unresolved Problems.'
18th October 2008 Martin Davies 'An Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Art.'
13th September 2008 Hilary Wilson 'Egypt and the Aegean Connection.'
21st June 2008 Alan Lloyd 'A Greek in Ancient Egypt: Herodotus the First Egyptologist.'
17th May 2008 Sue Giles 'The New Egyptian Gallery at the Bristol Museum.'
19th April 2008 Sarah Symons 'Astronomical Timekeeping in Ancient Egypt.'
15th March 2008 Aidan Dodson 'Ramesses II's Poisoned Legacy: The Fall of the 19th Egyptian Dynasty.'
16th February 2008 Paul Doherty'An Afternoon with Paul Doherty.'
19th January 2008 Bob Partridge and Peter Phillips 'Temples, Tombs and Mummies: The Oases of Egypt's Wetern Desert.'
8th December 2007 Susan Marriott ' Egypt in London - Tales of the Expected and Unexpected.'
24th November 2007 Mark Walker 'Ancient Egypt on Film.'
20th October 2007 Rosalind Janssen 'Loincloths and Laundry Lists: The Secrets of an Egyptian Service Wash.'
15th September 2007 Hilary Wilson 'Nefertiti Queen of Egypt.'
21st July 2007 Derek Welsby 'Rewriting History - Results of Investigations Above the Fourth Cataract of the Nile.'
16th June 2007 Carol Andrews 'All You Wanted to Know About Mummies But Were Too Embarrassed to Ask.'
19th May 2007 Malcolm Coe 'The Astronomy of the Pyramids.'
21st April 2007 Colin Reader 'The Age of the Sphinx.'
17th March 2007 Lucia Gahlin 'Akenaten the Man and the Myths.'
17th February 2007 Hilary Wilson 'Egypt as Inspiration.'
20th January 2007 George Hart 'Tanis: Temples and Tombs.'
9th December 2006 Michael Feeney 'Akenaten - Heresy and Symbolism A New Perspective.'
18th November 2006 Martin Davies 'The Drowned Land of Nubia and the Rescue of its Monuments.'
21st October 2006 Mark Walker 'Mummies at the Movies.'
16th September 2006 Hilary Wilson 'Taharqa - Egypt's Black Hero.'
15th July 2006 Rosalie David 'Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Disease and Lifestyle.'
17th June 2006 Glenn Godenho 'Tomb Complex of Anktifi and Mo'alla.'
20th May 2006 Peter Phillips '. . . But Where Did They Live?'
22nd April 2006 Ian Mathieson 'Recent Geographical Surveys of the Saqqara Necropolis.'
25th March 2006 Bob Partridge 'Reaction to the Amarna Period.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Bob Partridge 'Tomb 55 and the Missing Mummies.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Victor Blunden 'Religion and Worship of the Aten.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Victor Blunden 'New Style Art.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Bob Partridge 'Personalities of the Amarna Period.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Victor Blunden 'Outline of the Amarna Period.' {Study Day}
25th March 2006 Bob Partridge 'History Leading Up to the Amarna Period.' {Study Day}
18th March 2006 Victor Blunden 'Artwork in the Book of the Dead.'
25th February 2006 Cathie Bryan 'Napoleon andthe Egyptianising Monuments and Architecture of Paris.'
21st January 2006 Paul Whelan 'Abydos - the Temples, Tombs and a Terrace.'
10th December 2005 David Marriott 'Chicago! My Kind of Town.'
19th November 2005 Rosalind Janssen 'The Wise Woman and Other Matriarchs at Deir el Medina.'
15th October 2005 Jeremy Naydler 'The Shamanic Roots of the Pyramid Texts.'
17th September 2005 Hilary Wilson 'All the King's Men: The Court of Tutankhamun.
16th July 2005 Pamela Rose Qasr Ibrim.'
18th June 2005 Delia Pemberton 'Sex Lives of the Ancient Egyptians.'
21st May 2005 Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood 'Behind and Beyond the Veil.'
16th April 2005 Lucia Gahlin 'Living in Sun City - People of Aketaten.'
19th March 2005 Bob Partridge 'Faces of the Pharaohs.'
26th February 2005 Colin Humphreys 'Exodus.'
15th January 2005 Richard Jaeschke and Helena Jaeschke 'Conserving Egypt's Past and Present.'
11th December 2004 Norman Pease, Hilary Wilson, Glenn Worthington, Susan Marriott and David Marriott 'Five Go Mad in the Pharaonic Village.'
20th November 2004 Paul Whelan 'The Origins of Osiris - The Eternal Mummy.'
16th October 2004 Rosalind Janssen 'Hollywood to Thebes: Natacha Rambova - Madame Valentino and Mary Brodwick - a 19th Century Traveller and Writer.'.
18th September 2004 Hilary Wilson 'Be a Scribe! Education in Ancient Egypt.'
17th July 2004 Alan Lloyd 'Ancient Egypt Ships.'
19th June 2004 Peter Phillips ' The Forgotten Temples of Egypt.'
15th May 2004 Delia Pemberton 'Egyptomania.'
17th April 2004 Denys Stocks 'Making Use of By-product Materials in Ancient Egypt.'
20th March 2004 Bob Partridge 'Fighting Pharaohs: Weapons and Warfare in Ancient Egypt.'
21st February 2004 Hilary Wilson 'The Lotus in Ancient Egypt.'
17th January 2004 Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones 'Romance of the Harem the "COurt of Women" in Ancient Egypt and the Near East.'
13 December 2003 Birgit Schoer 'From Ancestral God to Despicable Demon - the Cult and Vilification of Seth.'
15th November 2003 Lucia Gahlin 'Aketaten - Horizon of the Aten.'
18th October 2003 Lorna Oakes 'Ancient Egyptian Thought in the Old Testament.'
20th September 2003 Hilary Wilson 'Deir el Medina.'
19th July 2003 David Rohl 'In the Footsteps of the Vizier: Locating the Lost Tomb of Amenhotep I'
21st June 2003 Harry James 'Howard Carter, Artist and Egyptologist.'
7th June 2003 Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood 'Tutankhamun's Wardrobe.'
17th May 2003 Bob Partridge 'Photographing Egypt.'
26th April 2003 Neal Spencer 'Defending Egypt: Temple Building in Dynasty 30.'
15th March 2003 Hilary Wilson 'Papyrus, its Use and Symbolism.'
15th February 2003 Paul Whelan 'Ritual Practices in the Middle Kingdom.'
18th January 2003 Jaromir Malek 'The Cat in Ancient Egypt.'
14th December 2002 Christmas Party Meeting
16th November 2002 Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones 'The Ptolemies of Egypt.'
19th October 2002 Julie Hankey 'Arthur Weigall.'
21st September 2002 Hilary Wilson 'Egyptian Woman.'
20th July 2002 Geoffrey Martin Current Excavations in the Valley of the Kings.'
15th June 2002 Denys Stocks 'Tools and Technology in Ancient Egypt.'
18th May 2002 Hilary Wilson 'Tuthmose III, Egypt's Supreme Warrior.'
20th April 2002 Derek Welsby 'The Pharaonic and Kushite Town at Kawa.'
16th March 2002 Joan Rees 'Amelia Edwards: Traveller, Novelist and Egyptologist.'
23rd February 2002 Carol Andrews 'Magic and Medicine in Ancient Egypt.'
19th January 2002 Delia Pemberton 'Crocodiles in Egypt.'
15th December 2001 Mark Walker 'More Mummies at the Movies.'
17th November 2001 George Hart 'The Pharaonic Monuments of Nubia.'
20th October 2001 Caroline Simpson 'The History of the Village of Qurna.'
15th September 2001 Hilary Wilson 'Egypt in Rome.
21st July 2001 Peter Phillips 'The Columns of Ancient Egypt.'
16th June Delia Pemberton 'Meeting the Mummies.'
19th May 2001 Bob Partridge '100 Years of Excavations at Giza.' (Study Day}
19th May 2001 Bob Partridge 'Art of the Old Kingdom.' {Study Day}
19th May 2001 Victor Blunden 'Rise and Decline of the Royal Tomb.' {Study Day}
19th May 2001 Hilary Wilson 'Pyramid Builders.' {Study Day}
21st April 2001 Daphne Skinner 'The Art of Some Mid-18th Dynasty Private Tombs.'
17th March 2001 Carol Andrews 'Ancient Egyptian Amulets.'
10th February 2001 Christine El Mahdy 'New Light on the Amarna Heresy.'
20th January 2001 Brian Sparkes 'The Ancient City of Alexandria.'
16th December 2000 Christmas Party Meeting
18th November 2000 Jeremy Naydler 'Were the Pyramids Tombs? The Pyramids and the Pyramid Texts Re-examined.'
21st October 2000 Paul Collins 'The Assyrian Conquest of Egypt.'
16th September 2000 Hilary Wilson 'Bread, Beer and Economics.'
15th July 2000 Geoffrey Martin 'The Tomb of Maya, Treasurer to Tutankhamun.'
17th June 2000 George Hart 'Warfare Under the Early Ramessides.'
20th May 2000 Carol Andrews 'Ancient Egyptian Jewellery.'
15th April 2000 Daphne Skinner 'Nefertari.' {Study Day Great Queens of Egypt}
15th April 2000 Hilary Wilson 'Nefertiti.' {Study Day Great Queens of Egypt}
15th April 2000 Hilary Wilson 'Tiye.' {Study Day Great Queens of Egypt}
15th April 2000 Victor Blunden 'Hatchepsut.' {Study Day Great Queens of Egypt}
18th March 2000 Harry James 'William Bankes: An Early Traveller.'
19th February 2000 Aidan Dodson 'Visceral History: Canopic Equipment Over 3000 Years.'
15th January 2000 Bob Partridge Egypt in America: Museum Collections in New York and Boston.'
18th December 1999 Christmas Party Meeting
20th November 1999 Delia Pemberton 'God's House: The Temple in Ancient Egypt.'
16th October 1999 Alix Wilkinson 'The Garden in Ancient Egypt.'
18th September 1999 Hilary Wilson 'Ancient Egypt in the Modern World.'
19th June 1999 Murry Hope 'Religious Beliefs in Ancient Egypt.'
23rd May 1999 Brian Sparkes 'Faces in the Desert Sand.'
24th April 1999 John Taylor 'Creating New Egyptian Galleries at the British Museum.'
27th March 1999 Bob Partridge 'Transport in Ancient Egypt.' {Study Day}
27th March 1999 Hilary Wilson 'Family in Ancient Egypt.' {Study Day}
27th March 1999 Hilary Wilson 'Popular Belief.' {Study Day}
27th March 1999 Victor Blunden 'Agriculture in Ancient Egypt.' {Study Day}
20th February 1999 George Hart 'From the Pyramid Texts to the Book of the Dead: Ancient Egyptian Views of the Hereafter.'
23rd January 1999 David Peacock 'The Imperial Porphyry Quarries, Gebel Dokham.'
19th December 1998 Christmas Party Meeting
21st November 1998 Bob Partridge 'Royal Discoveries in and Around the Valley of the Kings.'
17th October 1998 Rosalind Janssen 'Treasures of the Petrie Museum.'
19th September 1998 Hilary Wilson 'Ramesses II and the Battle of Kadesh.'