Join us
Membership is open to anyone interested in Egyptology on payment of an annual subscription, which entitles the member to reduced entry fees to our lectures.
FOR THE 2024 - 2025 SEASON (fees to be confirmed at the AGM.)
Due to the majority of our lectures being on Zoom, our fees are lower than some previous seasons as we do not have to pay for a venue.
Membership enquiries should be addressed to:
The Secretary
The Southampton Ancient Egypt Society
10 Cobbett Way,
Hampshire SO30 2ET Phone: 07812 851095
Subject to AGM confirmation, for the coming season from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025 our prices will be:
For the new season, 1 Oct 2024 – 30 Sep 2025, subscription rates are as follows (subject to confirmation at the AGM):
Existing UK Members : £10 (note, an additional payment of £30 can be added for 10 regular Zoom meeting fees, pro rata'd as the society year progresses.)
New UK Members: £10 (note, an additional payment of £30 can be added for 10 regular meeting fees, pro rata'd as the society year progresses.)
Overseas Members: £12 (additional payment of £40 for 10 regular Zoom meeting fees, pro rata'd as the society year progresses.)
Meeting fees:
Regular monthly meetings: Members: £3
Overseas Members: £4
Non-Members: £6
Occasional evening meetings, lecture series/courses, special face-to-face meetings & study days: individually priced.
Note that all fees are under review for 2024 - 2025.
Payment details:
Payments may be made through:
PayPal to
BACS transfer to Lloyds Bank 30-90-86 account No: 01068756 Southampton Ancient Egypt Society
Cheque sent to The Secretary,
10 Cobbett Way
SO30 2ET
PLEASE NOTE: if paying by bank transfer, let the secretary know first - by emailing This will allow your payment to be correctly attributed to you.
Cheques may be delayed in the post due to the aftermath of the Covid 19 situation. Please post early.
We are offering Members the chance to perhaps pre-empt price rises by paying for part of the season in advance for 2024/2025.
10 Saturday Zoom meetings October to September £30 UK or £40 overseas members, pro rata'd as the society year progresses
If paying in advance, there are no refunds if you miss any meetings.
The 10 meetings (or pro rata) advance payment scheme is only available to members.
Membership Form for Zoom season (2024 - 2025) :
A membership form for Zoom seasons can be downloaded by clicking the link Membership Application.pdf (442.6KB)
Zoom Meeting Joining Instructions
Meetings are announced to members via the monthly reminder emails, where the registration link will be given. Details are also given on this website, and application may be made to the Secretary for registration. To join a meeting, all you have to do is follow these steps:
1: Click on the registration link and enter your name and email address to register for the meeting.
2: If you have not already paid the meeting fee in advance, contact the Secretary at to arrange payment. Payments can be made by BACS transfer, through PayPal, or by cheque. Details below.
3: Look out for the link which will be sent during the week before the meeting. You may need to check your junk or spam folders in case it goes astray. If you have not received this link by the day before the meeting please try registering again or contact the Secretary. For reasons of security and copyright the meeting link should not be shared with anyone else.